Ukraine, here we come!!!
Our airplane departed Dulles Airport at 11 pm, but it was not before a miracle happened. Our total team goal was to raise just over $62,000. As our team arrived at the airport we were still $2,400 short!! The LORD is good and He provides. Before we left Dulles, our team was funded 100%. Thank you to all who prayed for us and who supported our team!!!
We flew Turkish Airlines from Dulles to Istanbul and then a short 2 hour flight to Lviv, Ukraine. Lviv Airport is one of the best in the world when it comes how simplicity. We went through customs and got ALL of our bags within 30 minutes. Ukraine does not require US citizens to get a visa, so passport control is a breeze. It was a blessing to be able to go through customs so quickly. We were tired and needed to rest.
As we walked out of the terminal we were greeted by four mini buses that were supposed to quickly take us to the hotel. However, there was one slight issue. While we had enough seats for everybody, we did not have enough space for the suitcase. As a team we brought 18 large suitcases with us filled with equipment for the camp, presents for the families and gear that we were going to leave with our ministry partner, Wings of Faith.
Timofey, without skipping a beat made the final decision to send all people to the hotel, while four male team leaders, and some teenage boys, stayed behind with the suitcases waiting for to be picked up. Very small hick up that actually turned out to be a blessing because the majority of the team was able to check into the hotel and get a good night rest!!
The entire team checked into the hotel and the next day we all met for breakfast. The hotel was fantastic. They were very accommodating. Beds were comfortable. Staff was exceptional. Grounds were immaculate.
Following typical European breakfast and best coffee we met as a mean in one of the conference rooms. It was the first time we met as a team in Ukraine. Erin Roundtree with her girls joined us from Germany.
Morning devotional centered about the trip theme: LOVE GOD / LOVE OTHERS / MAKE DISCIPLES. We spent some time in prayer as a team. Timofey led the prayer and many around the room prayed a prayer of thanksgiving.
Cindy, Kelly and Catherine spent some time training the group on what it means to work with kids with disabilities. The shared practical hand on knowledge that would be very helpful to us at the camp.
We all checked out by 10 am and our team loaded the bus and headed to visit Lviv. Lviv is a beautiful city in Western Ukraine with hundreds of years of history. This was a time for the team to walk around, see the city, get used to the change in time (7 hours difference between Ukraine and Washington, DC).
Following the tour of Lviv and a quick lunch, then team headed to Lutsk, which is located about 2 hours to the northeast of Lviv. In Lutstk our team was welcomed by a local church. They provided the facility for our team to do more ACCESS training. Cindy led a workshop on what it is like to live with disabilities. The music team under Yevgeniy's (Dr. D.) direction practiced their pieces.
The team had lunch at the church and then checked into a hotel in Lutsk