Liya Music Camp 2025

June 9 - 13

Court Street UMC


Camp Rates

Early Bird by April 1: $200 (additional Child $150)

After April 1: $275 (additional Child $225) 


God’s goal is to spread the Glory of His name among all nations! To know Him and to make Him known is our goal.

Our purpose is to use our God-given talents to make an impact for His Kingdom locally and globally.

God involves us because He Loves Us.

Liya Camp 2025

Dates: June 9 - 13, 9 am - 3 pm

Performance date: Friday, June 13, 7 pm, with optional participation for service on June 15, 9:30 am (Father’s Day)

Liya Camp 2025 will have strings (violin, viola, cello, bass) and worship. The minimum requirement is to have studied the primary instrument for at least 1 year. This year, we are excited to also incorporate a tone-chime choir.

The camp is open to students through High School age.

Daily Schedule

8:45 am - Drop-off

9:00 am - Worship Service

10:00 am - Morning Rehearsal/Sectionals

12:00 pm - Lunch/Free Time

1:00 pm - Masterclasses/Workshops/Afternoon Rehearsals/Sectionals

2:45 pm - Closing Meeting

3:00 pm - Dismissal/Pick-up

I loved how at Liya Camp it wasn’t just friends, but more of a family. The leaders aren’t just there to be there, but to encourage you musically and spiritually
— Felipe '19